Jane Friswell Education Consultancy
SEND Improvement & Support
Pat Bullen has a significant regional and national profile in the world of SEN and disability. Pat has over 30 years of experience as a teacher, head teacher and senior education leader and has completed a wide range of roles and responsibilities with a variety of Local Authorities, the DfE and voluntary and private organisations and is a school improvement adviser.
Pat has co-ordinated regional SEN networks, undertaken reviews of SEN in Local Authorities, and is a member of the NDTi hosted ‘Preparing for Adulthood’ team. She has trained SENCos across England in primary and secondary phases, in nasen's 'Whole school approach to increasing access, participation and inclusion'. Pat has joined the NDTi (National Development Team for Inclusion) and contributes to the national ‘Delivering Better Outcomes Together' SEND leadership course.
Kate Browning is a well-regarded lead professional both locally and nationally in school improvement for children and young people with SEND. She has over 20 years of experience as a teacher, SENCo, Local Authority School Improvement Officer for SEN and interim Education Development Officer for NASEN, where she supported the delivery of nationwide training on the 0 – 25 SEND Code of Practice with the DfE.
Kate now works with Teaching School Alliances, MATs, Local Authorities and individual schools to improve outcomes for children and young people with SEND across the primary and secondary phase. She teaches the National Award for SEN Coordination and facilitates a number of SENCo Networks across the midlands. She has worked with Local Authorities undertaking SEN Reviews and supporting their development of the Graduated Approach to SEND Support. She is a lecture for the Warwick University PGCE programme and has delivered key note speeches and delivered seminars at many conferences and events such as The Education Show, NASEN Live, TES SEN, Optimus, SEN South West. She is currently involved in project work for the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics in ‘Mastery in maths for children with SEND’. She is an Associate Consultant for the NASEN, an expert advisor for The Key and Chair of Governors of a large junior school.